Weight, (kg/m)
Surface area m/m2
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Weight, (kg/m): 0.288
Surface area m/m2: 0.024
Weight, (kg/m): 0.512
Surface area m/m2: 0.032
SQUARE WxW: 10×10
Weight, (kg/m): 0.800
Surface area m/m2: 0.040
SQUARE WxW: 12×12
Weight, (kg/m): 1.15
Surface area m/m2: 0.048
SQUARE WxW: 13×13
Weight, (kg/m): 1.35
Surface area m/m2: 0.052
SQUARE WxW: 14×14
Weight, (kg/m): 1.57
Surface area m/m2: 0.056
SQUARE WxW: 16×16
Weight, (kg/m): 2.05
Surface area m/m2: 0.064
SQUARE WxW: 18×18
Weight, (kg/m): 2.59
Surface area m/m2: 0.072
SQUARE WxW: 19×19
Weight, (kg/m): 2.89
Surface area m/m2: 0.076
SQUARE WxW: 20×20
Weight, (kg/m): 3.20
Surface area m/m2: 0.080
SQUARE WxW: 22×22
Weight, (kg/m): 3.87
Surface area m/m2: 0.088
SQUARE WxW: 25×25
Weight, (kg/m): 5.00
Surface area m/m2: 0.100
SQUARE WxW: 28×28
Weight, (kg/m): 6.27
Surface area m/m2: 0.112
SQUARE WxW: 30×30
Weight, (kg/m): 7.20
Surface area m/m2: 0.120
SQUARE WxW: 32×32
Weight, (kg/m): 8.19
Surface area m/m2: 0.128
SQUARE WxW: 35×35
Weight, (kg/m): 9.80
Surface area m/m2: 0.140
SQUARE WxW: 38×38
Weight, (kg/m): 11.6
Surface area m/m2: 0.152
SQUARE WxW: 40×40
Weight, (kg/m): 12.8
Surface area m/m2: 0.160
SQUARE WxW: 45×45
Weight, (kg/m): 16.2
Surface area m/m2: 0.180
SQUARE WxW: 50×50
Weight, (kg/m): 20.0
Surface area m/m2: 0.200
SQUARE WxW: 55×55
Weight, (kg/m): 24.2
Surface area m/m2: 0.220
SQUARE WxW: 60×60
Weight, (kg/m): 28.8
Surface area m/m2: 0.240
SQUARE WxW: 65×65
Weight, (kg/m): 33.8
Surface area m/m2: 0.260
SQUARE WxW: 70×70
Weight, (kg/m): 39.2
Surface area m/m2: 0.280
SQUARE WxW: 75×75
Weight, (kg/m): 45.0
Surface area m/m2: 0.300
SQUARE WxW: 80×80
Weight, (kg/m): 51.2
Surface area m/m2: 0.320
SQUARE WxW: 90×90
Weight, (kg/m): 64.8
Surface area m/m2: 0.360
SQUARE WxW: 100×100
Weight, (kg/m): 80.0
Surface area m/m2: 0.400
SQUARE WxW: 110×110
Weight, (kg/m): 96.8
Surface area m/m2: 0.440
SQUARE WxW: 120×120
Weight, (kg/m): 115
Surface area m/m2: 0.480

SIA Armet Baltic offers its clients a broad selection of metal products. On our website, you can buy square rods of different dimensions. Square metal bars have a square cross-section, without any cavities inside. This material sees much use in construction and manufacturing. If you are interested in the price of our square bars, please send a request on the website, and wait for our manager to call you and answer all your questions.

The scope of square bar applications is extensive. Thanks to their shape, these projects are used in construction (to attach balconies, stair landings, inter-floor structures). Steel square bars also find use in the manufacture of benches, grilles, fences. This material is irreplaceable in the automotive industry, in railway carriage and machine tool manufacturing, and in other fields.

Advantages of steel square bars:

  1. Resistance to sharp temperature fluctuations
  2. High strength
  3. Easy to use, thanks to the regular geometric shape
  4. Long service life.
  5. Big selection of dimensions

To find out the price of a steel square bar, and the conditions for its delivery with SIA Armet Baltic, please send a request on our website, or contact us in any other way convenient for you.